游澳洲首府堪培拉(Canberra in Australia)

Posted by 土猪 on January 16, 2018


Canberra is the capital city of Australia, although it is not so famous as Sydney and Melbourne, we still want to go there for its political symbol just as Beijing in China.


Day1: started at 8:30am, along ocean coast towards east, arrived at 6:30pm, accommodation It takes appropriate 7 hours to drive from Melbourne to Canberra excluding break time on the road. Actually it took me about 10 hours to arrive.



The National Gallery of Australia (previously called the Australian National Gallery) is the national art museum of Australia as well as one of the largest art museums in Australia, having more than 166,000 works of art. It was established in 1967 by the Australian government as a national public art museum.

澳大利亚联邦议会,是由女王代表,参议院和众议院组成,我本来真不知道,澳洲所有的法案,是需要女王的代表签署才生效的,有殖民地的感觉,但考虑到澳洲是英联邦的一部分也有情可原。 The parliament (https://steemitimages.com/DQmWXb5rrFAKHKL6E4DNjCY3hqmwEbuonCfhYSrfLeMJRfd/DSCN0236.JPG) 这个阿姨好漂亮.JPG 点点在国会大厅.JPG

伯利格里芬湖是位于堪培拉市中心的人工湖,主要是为了好看,湖水来自于另一条叫做Molonglo河的河坝溢出的水。这条湖是按照美国人Walter Burley Griffin命名的,这位美国建筑师曾负责了堪培拉城市设计。 Lake Burley Griffin is an artificial lake in the centre of Canberra, it is named after Walter Burley Griffin, the American architect who won the competition to design the city of Canberra. DSCN0167.JPG

库克船长纪念喷泉就在伯利格里芬湖中,整个纪念馆包括了水中喷泉和附近一个地球仪,纪念了200多年前库克船长在1770年首次登陆澳大利亚的东海岸。 The Captain James Cook Memorial is on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin - and in the lake! This memorial comprises a water jet and a nearby terrestrial globe commemorating the bicentenary of Captain Cook’s landing on the east coast of Australia in 1770. DSCN0270.JPG

硬币制造厂是澳洲唯一的流通硬币制造厂。 The Royal Australian Mint is the only producer of all of Australia’s circulating coins.

澳大利亚国家科技馆有200多跟科技相关的展品,我们把娃娃也带到这里,希望她能学到些东西。 The National Science and Technology Centre has more than 200 interactive exhibits relating to science and technology. It has many science programs that are devoted to inspiring the children of Australia to love science. So it benifits both children and adults. DSCN0220.JPG

最后,和中国驻澳大利亚堪培拉大使馆合个影。 At last, we took a photo with Chinese embassy in Canberra. DSCN0275.JPG DSCN0276.JPG



